
The Preparedness Research Capacity Network for the EU Zika Consortia

This page is under construction, so please do look back frequently to see updates as we create and curate this valuable resource.

The EU Zika consortia (ZikaPLAN, ZikAlliance and ZikAction) have a shared work package tasked with creating a regional research network that is able to respond to emerging infectious diseases (EID). This regionally-led network needs to be equipped with the knowledge, methods, skills and capabilities to support a high quality, rapid and coherent research response to the Zika outbreak in the short term. In addition, this network sets out to establish lasting capacity to conduct research in the event of other vector-borne and EID outbreaks across Latin America in the long-term.

What can REDe do now to help these research studies?

REDe is being coordinated by This is a platform for research skills sharing and capacity development, so there are already a whole set of tools that you and your team can use to support your staff and help you with your research studies. This includes numerous certified free online training courses, and a professional membership scheme to guide, support and measure the career development of your research team. There are also many tools, templates, guidance articles and discussion spaces where you can ask for and get help from the wider research community.

What is the plan for REDe?

Over the next five years REDe aims to build a strong and sustainable network which will be led by core centres of excellent within the region. These regional centres will coordinate and implement multiple capacity development activities by creating local networks of research groups, institutes and individuals to share opportunities such as training, research collaborations and job opportunities. Further local network activities include opportunities to:

  • Learn about and share information on local events, conferences and workshops
  • Find local training courses and work with the providers to open free places to REDe members
  • Identify experts and colleagues locally for collaboration, mentoring and staff exchanges
  • Get involved in reciprocal monitoring schemes
  • Create online activities such as 'ask the expert' panels or 'issue of the month' discussions
  • Write blog content about local research sites or groups – e.g. a write up of methodology for a recent trial or study/training they did
  • Run lunchtime seminars at local group/centres on pertinent, locally relevant research issues and write them up for the website
  • Encourage local research sites to join Site-Finder as part of their signing up to the regional faculty
  • Encourage staff to use the online Training Centre & the professional membership scheme; some faculties are providing support sessions in IT labs for this
  • Run regional workshops to encourage collaboration and skills sharing


Please check back fequently to see when this new and important research knowledge hub has been launched.